The Grand Roles

When I see you waving goodbye 
A broken part of me 
Breaks down again 
And experiences a death without a funeral*
I can’t believe I’m leaving you again 
To your life of aloneness 
You always stand
Waving your arthritic fingers
Waving goodbye 
When it’s time for us to go 
Sympathetically smiling
As if hiding your pain 
With longing 
But today 
Oh today 
I didn’t look away 
I didn’t want to stop waving 
And there it was 
A smile like that of a newborn’s
It must have been a moment longer 
Than our usual parting 
I shared with you
A joy 
Is this how long our true lives are? 
A moment of joy that gives way to
The fullness of tears 
In my eyes
In my smile that quickly turns corners 
I wear sorrow like a facade 
Hidden and unjustified 
They can’t see 
They don’t know how I feel 
Is it because I’m still a child 
Incapable of sensing 
What’s dangerous and what’s not 
I wonder how it is you feel when we leave 
And when you turn away
And into the deeper recesses 
Of a lonely house
Here I am 
Riding away 
With my eyes closed 
Crying and praying 
For grace to find you in the every day 
For His presence to keep you company 
In a way only He can 
And I could never 
In the meanwhile 
Can we find things to do to distract us?
May you hear His love song over you 
He sings with great rejoicing 

Please don’t leave me 
Everything’s wrong 
We’re growing older
There’s a hurt here
That could outlive us
How did we numb the pain for so long 
In meals and generosity 
Is this who we are
All of us children?

You and me 
We’re abandoned aren’t we 
We want to do it on our own 
But I want to help you 
I know you’re able 
But I have to keep reminding myself 
I'll be careful not to think that you aren't
Does this have anything to do with 
How long you’ve been at this than I have 
Am I still yours?
Losing battles I didn’t choose 
In my 23 years of falling
Hold me up 
Hold us up, Lord 
Help us to be there for each other 

Our homes are a mess 
We live our lives together 
And share the joy of a new life 
Only to give it away 
To another 
We’ve been here before 
Betrothed and loved 
Living in submission
Living still 
Only to feel farther away 
We’ve waited for our whole worlds to move 
We were voiceless 
Watching our relations unravel 
Waiting for someone 
To give us the chance to speak 
Why did we wait? 
But you still went the distance 
To meet me time and time again 
While I stayed away 
By choice 
By circumstance
And the times that I did 
I came to you 
From a place of abundance 
And belonging 

But now that I’ve known scarcity 
And loss 
Now that I’ve known 
Lesser loves
Loves that fail 
And I’m more miserable 
Than I have ever been 
I’ve made gods of another’s dictions
Is it pitiful that I’m begging for more time 
When I threw away 
When I mistreated 
The little time that we did spend with each other 
We spent quietly 
Why didn’t we have things to say?

Every moment I’m holding my breath 
Afraid that I’m going to lose you
Will you leave before it’s time?

I was never around 
Even when you didn’t need me 
I wish I wasn’t so afraid 
Many times have I chosen comfort over you
I wish I would have asked to visit you often
But I didn’t 

Your outer person is wasting away 
But your inner person is being renewed each day 
There is an end to the suffering I am a part of
I will let you go when it’s time 
Please forgive me 

(*line inspired by the song "Death Without a Funeral" written by Jason Gray / Andy Gullahorn)


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