Moving On

I know what I said
That I didn’t want any part
In what we once were
But how quickly are you moving on?
How quickly are you forgetting
That you left me here by unmoving choice?

Why do you expect me to know 
Things that I’m not told?
Why do you wait for me to ask,
When I can’t even tell you how I feel?

I want to hear you fill in the spaces
When others ask you about me 
Do you know how I’m doing? 
Do you know how hard this is for me?
But those who ask 
They don’t need to know the truth 
So I suppose it’s appropriate 
That you’re not being honest
I for one
Tell them what I do know 
That I don’t know how you are 
Because I don’t ask anymore 

Were you trying to protect me
In all the anger that you projected?
All the energy that was stirred up inside of you 
Was it to protect me?
You never told 
I never asked 


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