
For the days we miss door-to-door waste collection

We don’t know what to do
With all that we’re producing
Consuming and wasting 
Seeking collectors 
Almost anyone 
To do something 
With all that we've got
With all the mess we’ve made   
Of no value 
Or of lesser value than 
The price of use  

Are we all just a little too late 
Will the truck pass us by  
Because we couldn’t show up on time
How are we entitled to such luxury anyway?
Will what I missed out on giving away today 
Decompose just the same
If it could wait till tomorrow 
We’re tired and hurting 
And things throw us of our usual schedule 
And on some days 
Beyond our reach
A service we can’t guarantee 
For either my neighbour or for myself 
A service so close yet so far away 
A collectors’ item of decay and the non-renewable 
Perhaps adding 
Just a little more value to their livelihood 
Do we do everyone a favour 
If we hold onto our stuff  
A little longer 
Because what’s not built to last 
From our past days
Is rotting away as we speak 
Is passing through hands 
That are just like yours and mine 
Are we too proud 
To hold onto and to work through 
Our unsustainable purchases 
Are we inconvenienced by the change in  schedule today 
Oh the fallen nature of our goods 
That we can’t help but need someone 
To take it away 
At around the same time each day 
Only because there’s so much 
And we have no other options 
In this little house we’ve made a home


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