One of Seven
If you really need an explanation
Here’s what I still remember
How I hung my head down in shame before you
At the mercy of your emotions
You'd shift the blame
As if you had nothing to do with anything
As if I was always the only one at fault
You never stood up for me
You turned me against -
The only ones who really cared about me
You spoke behind their back
You spoke behind mine
All in the name of love?
Are you happy now?
Are you still madly in love?
May you grow old and grey
With the one that you love
Love her till the end
Protect and respect her till the end
But don’t forget the many like her
In this world
Who deserve just as much -
May we learn to honour
The image of God all around us
Created after His likeness
Created anew after His likeness
I hate that my heart often softened
At the thought of you
I wanted to believe that you were true
But all you spoke were lies
Oh what a show
The hero of your own story
Will you swell with rage -
If I held you responsible for your actions?
But that’s not my place
You are His
And He doesn’t condemn you
So who am I to?
You were always the first to defend yourself
Oh the things that you did
In your fear of the unknown
Oh how you thought of ending it all -
If nothing goes your way
Mere talk that only ended in poverty
But you’re still here
Aren’t you?
still here.
Look at how far you’ve come
Can we take a moment to appreciate
How far you've come
I won’t undermine your story
You were growing
You were being chipped of your comforts
Did you discover
That when you’re weak -
He is strong?
Father, give me the strength
To stand
If and when we are to cross paths when heaven and earth are one
Because he is as much Yours
As I am Yours
We are both Your children
We both profess of our faith in You
Forgive us for misrepresenting You
To the world
May they only be led to You
When they see how broken we are
May they only know that there’s a Saviour
Who doesn’t look away from our brokenness
One who loves us too much
Than to leave us where we both are
The world is to know that we are Yours
By our love for each other
But oh we’ve failed You, Lord
I have failed You, Lord
The friends that we once were
I chose to address you
Those years that I did
By your birth name
Not like the others would
Not the one that you’d prefer
And now when I read past your name
In the story of the sent ones
Who from among the growing family of God
Chose seven men of good repute
Full of the Spirit and of wisdom
To appoint to the duty to serve
When I read past your name
It means nothing to me anymore
And I suppose it never will
(2022 edit)
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