The Truth

I am a lie 
How can I be real
With my love and my silence
A love sleeping in deed 
A love questionable in truth 
What about my hurt?
I forget every time I cry over you
My missing you knows no end 
I am a fool 
A hopeless lover 
A regretful lover 
My sins have forgiven me 
But I am reminded of 
This hypocrisy that's mine 
In your eyes 
In your actions 
What has happened to us? 
What are you holding onto?

I've hurt you beyond compare
I know
I've been hurt 
But the way I cry over you 
Is like our love knew no hurt 
Like our love knew no brokenness
Or sorrow 
Perhaps this is love 
Keeping no record of wrongs
But will you ever know 
How hard it was for me? 
What happens after that?
After you know?
I'm not sure
That's why I wish  
You'll live the rest of your life in the unknowing 
So you won't have to despair 
And perhaps in the end 
If He could just put in a word
So you'll know how it was for me
Because I'm incapable of speech
But I wasn't born dumb
I was born to fly
To overcome 
Perhaps a day will come
When I do
When you'll know
When I'll cross 
The ocean of unsaid things 
And find you 
And myself 
As we are 
Perhaps this is my story 
Surely this is not it 
I don't know how much longer I can go by Abba 
I'm slowly dying 
In all this condemnation 
Hiding my tears 
In the songs that I sing aloud 
About forgiveness 
And love for me


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