Just A Girl
She’s just a girl
Who loves to twirl.
Her days seem long,
And she likes to right her wrong,
In a heart-felt song.
In life she has fought,
As she’s gone through a lot,
Regardless of all the blessings she’s got.
She hides her sorrows inside
Takes time to decide
And likes to spend her time at the seaside
It’s hard to follow her heart,
And to make a good start.
But she holds on,
Even when all hope is gone.
She can’t deal with all the pressure,
She can’t truly enjoy leisure,
Her friends are her treasure,
And her love is something you can’t measure.
She is just,
And believes in faith and trust.
She doesn’t cave,
She’s indeed brave.
She’s unique and different,
To acquire knowledge is inherent,
She hates to be incoherent.
She dreams big
And hopes to star in a gig
She loves to twirl,
She’s just a girl.
(Year Twenty-Eleven - Eighth grade)
i like this poem! its very unique.....