My Dear (Unfinshed)

And the sirens are off
Screaming madly
There you are in the midst of
A pervasive sea
Of walking dimmed people
In whose eyes
I see only
Crystals of the black tar
And my heart cries out
In a desperate reach for yours
Where are all these scars from?
What did they do to you?
I see it in your eyes
Your beautiful eyes
A colour so deep
Like a sun-kissed secret left to speak
To an uninterested night
Is it ever?
I ask myself
How strong are we by ourselves?
I want to know you
I want to be there for you

The world
Watering the lawn of your life
That your eyes might see
Plush emeralds
Almost unbelievable
What a fallacy,
Weedy facades
They made you see
Through the sunflower of your eyes
But hidden were 
The deadly serpents
Beneath the colours of autumn
Now crushed
And turned dark
By your scared yet unvarying steps
Around and around
Caught up
In the muddy flow of this
Meaningless chase
After all transient
Distasteful things -
Coated with dew drops like
And the weeds
Projecting unique blossoms
And cheating
All along the deadly world
This wild 
Cheating you
My dear
Emerald beauty
Deception calls you in 
And all of a sudden you're claustrophobic 
With no way out
Turn around dear
Please turn around
P.S. This poem is not finished yet - I have a concept in mind but I need different perspectives and ideas (I'd like to thank Andrea for her suggestions J) so if you would like to work on it with me, please let me know! It could be a fun (though deep haha) little project perhaps? 


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